Saturday, November 8, 2014

Some merch for sale

UPDATE: All of this merch has been sold! Thanks to anyone who contacted me about helping me get this stuff out of my wife's closet space!
I have a big plastic tote packed full of hardcore and punk merch I'm selling: about 100 pieces total, including hoodies, shorts, and long and short sleeve T's, but mostly short sleeve T's; ranging from from small to XL, but mostly smalls and mediums. $150 for it all. Email me if interested at


  1. I only discovered this blog recently. Been all through it a few times now. Found some good stuff I missed(im eternally grateful to you for chalice) back in the day. But im curious, how does one run a blog this long that centers on the christian end of the hardcore spectrum and not include the blamed?

    1. There is a much longer answer to this, one that mostly deals with my personal opinion on their music, but the short answer is simply this: I've tried to keep this blog dedicated to the bands that were and still are difficult to hear of, as well as recordings by these bands or more well-known Christian hardcore bands that are difficult to know of or find. The bands featured on this blog that are more well-known, and it's obvious who those are, are on here simply because they either had rare and unavailable recordings that need shared with the world or because I just have their records anyway; this brings me back to what I stated before that The Blamed is not on here because of my personal opinion on their music -- I never cared to obtain their recordings for myself. In fact, they're one of the few bands who I am not fond of AND still don't have their recordings. Usually, I would always, and still sometimes do, obtain bands' recordings even if I don't like them. Hope this helps!

    2. I guess that makes sense. I didn't look at it from the rareness or lack of exposure side of it. Thanks.

  2. Not sure if you take requests and im not sure they fit with the theme here but any chance of an upheaval post? Both albums are oop and no active dl links ive seen either. Thanks for any possible help

    1. Those dudes weren't a Christian band, were they? I do have both of their albums, though, if you'd like to contact me so I can get them to you.
